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Monthly Archives: August 2019

Housing Needs Survey Report

For full details of the recent Housing Needs Survey Report please click on the following link Welford-on-Avon Housing Needs Survey Report Adopted July 2019 The conclusion from the report is reproduced below – This survey identifies a need for 12 homes for households with a defined local connection, as shown below. Housing association rent 1…

SDC Site Allocation Plans – Drop in Sessions

In addition to the Site Allocations Plan briefing for parish councillors on the 3rd September, there will also be the following four public drop-in sessions if residents want to ask any specific questions: No need to book for these sessions, just turn up. Date Location Time Tuesday 3 September Southam Library 10am-1pm Thursday 5 September…

Alcester South SNT Update

Welford Incidents Anti-Social Behaviour. Park area, Binton Road. Report of a group of ‘youths’ in the park causing a nuisance by smashing bottles and smoking cannabis. Ongoing problem. Usually between 8pm and midnight. Reported 9th August. 0297 09/08/2019 Suspicious Circumstances. Binton Road. Van seen driving around car park. Caller concerned that the occupants were up to…

July 2019

For full details please click on the following link Minutes 0719…


Housing Needs Survey 2025 now open. Submission deadline 28 February 2025.