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Monthly Archives: June 2021

Open Gardens Reminder – 26th & 27th June

Not much on this weekend? Why not visit the Welford on Avon Open Gardens Weekend on Saturday and Sunday 1:00 until 5:00. With 7 gardens, 3 pubs, refreshments and river walks, why not come on down. Just £5 per adult, kids free, – all garden entrance money going to Cancer Charities via the National Garden…

Alcester South SNT Update

Welford Incidents Vehicle Crime. Barton Road. Person that had been fishing nearby returned to their vehicle to find the number plates has been stolen. Between 6pm 17th and 1.45am 18th June. 0018 18/06/2021 Welcome to Warwickshire Connected Get connected with what is happening in your local area, keep up to date and get involved in shaping what…

Mobile Library Service Is Back

The mobile library service will be back at : Church Street from 14.05 to 14.20 Church Rooms from14.25 to 14.45 on the following Tuesdays : 6th July 17th August 7th & 28th September 19th October 9th & 30th November 21st December…

EU Settlement Scheme Deadline – 30th June

For those of you who are not aware, the EU Settlement Scheme (also known as ‘settled status’ or EUSS) settled status is the new immigration system for European nationals living in the UK, negotiated as part of the Withdrawal Agreement. It requires EU, EAA and Swiss nationals living, working and studying in the UK to…


Housing Needs Survey 2025 now open. Submission deadline 28 February 2025.