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Alcester South SNT Update

Welford Incidents
  • Anti-Social Behaviour. School, Headland Road. Caller concerned that children had gained access to the school grounds and may have also been climbing on the roof. Evening of Wednesday 24th June. 0468 24/06/2020

Illegal Raves

You may have seen on the news recently that around the country several illegal ‘raves’ have been reported and dealt with by police. They can result in a number of offences being committed and can generally harm the community and environment, especially during the current pandemic. A large proportion of our area is rural and unfortunately could be used for an illegal music gathering to be organised. We ask that if you hear or see people arriving at a location and feel that it could be the start of a Rave type situation, that you contact us on 101 as soon as possible.

Signs to look out for:

  • Posters or messages on social media advertising a rave
  • Locks and chains on fields and private land being cut or tampered with
  • Unusual traffic activity – i.e. large convoys of cars on quieter/rural roads
  • Sound equipment and marquees or tents being set up
  • Power generators being hired and bought onto land/rural locations
  • Flattened or disturbed hedgerows
  • Loud music and sound checks in locations where this would not be expected

If it’s not 999, try going online

Warwickshire Police is encouraging the public to try reporting non-emergency crime online, by using the force’s website. Currently the vast majority of non-emergency reports come into the force via the 101 telephone line. However, since the force moved to the Single Online Home website platform in September last year (part of a national project to standardise police websites across the country), the public are now able to report incidents online at

The benefits of using the website are:

  • Incidents or crimes which don’t require an immediate police response can be reported in a user’s own time and at their own pace.
  • It offers exactly the same service as calling 101 – the force has a dedicated Digital Desk team who work on online reports.
  • It can save callers waiting in a queue to speak to someone on 101 – which unfortunately can sometimes get busy during peak periods.
  • It helps to keep resources free for emergency 999 calls.
  • When a report is submitted, the user will receive an email with all of their submitted details for reference.
  • As well as the online reporting feature, the website also contains lots of information and guidance, including advice on who you should report specific matters to.

Supt Emma Bastone, who oversees the force’s Operational Communications Centre (OCC), said: “Although our ‘new’ website was launched last September, we have seen a relatively low number of reports via the online system, and this is a feature we would really like to encourage the use of. “Not only does it help to keep our lines free for the most urgent calls, but for the public reporting online will also mean not having to wait to speak to someone (via 101), and the report can be filled out in your own time. The online form is very intuitive and straightforward, with specific short questions asked to help provide the answers we need. “Once a report is submitted, the information goes through to the force’s Digital Desk, where a dedicated team will make an assessment of the information and decide whether more details are needed. Users will then receive a reference number and will be contacted back with the next steps. “All reports which come into the force are THRIVE-assessed (which standards for Threat, Harm and Risk), which means that whichever way you report an incident to us, it will be graded and responded to accordingly, irrespective of whether it is called in or reported online. “For those who do not have access to the internet or do not feel confident using it, please be assured that our 101 number is still available 24/7, but we do ask that if it’s not an emergency and you are able to, please visit our website in the first instance.”

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