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Playing field closure – June update

The topic of Welford’s playing field closure remains uppermost in many residents’ minds. Not least the Parish Council’s.

Since the gate to Welford Park was locked shut on 24 May 24, the Parish Council have:

  • Listened to the residents of Welford on Avon
  • Written to Warwickshire County Council asking for intervention
  • Written to Welford on Avon primary school asking for the gate to be opened
  • Attended a meeting with a representative of WCC
  • Held an Open Forum ahead of our meeting on 4th June 2024
  • Engaged with community groups
  • Monitored social media

Village residents have begun two online petitions. One asking for access to the park to be reinstated. The other expressing no confidence in Welford on Avon school governors.

The overwhelming message from residents is for the park to be shared between public and school. Most residents are outraged that it has been closed. Others are cautious to express a view.

Enquiries with WCC are progressing, but slowly. A meeting two weeks ago was cautiously positive, but has yielded no substantive response… yet. The PC will update the community when we have something to report.

Governors, having requested the PC to make arrangements to clear the field of the community’s assets, have reiterated their position that the matter is closed.

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