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Alcester South SNT Update

Welford Incidents
  • Burglary. Church Lane. Premises broken into and car keys stolen. Subsequently an Audi A5 was also stolen. The Audi has then crashed shortly after the theft on the Dorsington Road. Area search made by police units and police helicopter. Around 8.40pm Sunday 1st November. 0370 01/11/2020

Online Child Safety

Every so often a new game that can be downloaded onto phones and computers raises concerns for child safety. One such game that has recently come to notice is ‘Cunch-line Chronicles’. Although it is rated as an 18, this would still be widely available to youngsters. It describes itself as “a light hearted, satirical take on the darker side of urban UK culture”. The game allows users to organise and run virtual cross border drug dealing which includes recruiting children to deliver the drugs and to also set up a house to run the operation from. Something for parents and carers to be aware of just in case it is mentioned, so that appropriate advice can be given. More information on online safety can be found here:-        More information can be found on this particular game via Google etc.

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