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Alcester South SNT Update

Welford Incidents
  • Vehicle Crime – Theft from. Headland Close. Front and rear number plates ripped off two cars at location. Left at scene. Overnight 3rd & 4th May. 0207 04/05/2017

Theft of Number Plates

With the successful use of Automatic Number Plate Recognition systems around the Country, criminals that travel around the area often need to ‘disguise’ their vehicle’s identity so it does not register on police systems. The easiest way for them to do this is to steal the number plates off another vehicle and put it on theirs. They will either do this prior to traveling out or will steal a plate near to where they are committing crime. This is especially common with drivers who steal (make off without paying) fuel from service stations.  Owners of vehicles can deter the theft of their number plates by using theft resistant screws and caps or by using a plate that breaks if its forcibly removed from the vehicle. If you find that your registration plates have been stolen, please ring on 101 to report straight away.

Scrap Metal Collectors

Unfortunately we are still getting reports of ‘scrap metal’ collectors helping themselves to items left outside of houses and businesses, whether it was meant for them or not. In some cases the collectors have been seen to go around the side or even behind premises to take things. This is obviously theft and should be reported to police on 101 as soon as possible. Scrap collectors should be registered with the local authority and have a collectors licence visible in their vehicle.  We offer the following advice:-

  • If you have items of scrap for collection, contact a local licenced dealer who will usually collect for free. The local council also provide a bulk collection service for a charge.
  • If you intend to leave items out in the hope that it is picked up by a passing collector, remember you are encouraging them to access your property (and possibly your neighbours) to collect.
  • Secure anything of value that you leave at the front of your premises and secure any access to the rear of your premises.
  • If you see items being taken from premises and skips which you believe should not be taken, call the police on 101 straight away with the description of the people and vehicles involved.
  • For further information, please visit –


Cyber Update for May 2017

For details please click on the following link – 2017 May Scam Newsletter

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