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Author archives: Colin Winston

Alcester South SNT Update

Neighbourhood Watch Local Neighbourhood Watch schemes work in a variety of ways that reflect the needs of the local community. This includes: sharing crime prevention advice and information; running awareness campaigns; holding social events and awards for local people and businesses; leading community projects, such as litter picks, a community café, flood defence response, presentations…

Have your say on bus service improvements in Warwickshire

Warwickshire’s residents are being asked to help shape an ambitious plan for the future of bus services in the county. We really want to know your thoughts on what improvements are needed for local bus services and what would make you use local buses more. Please click here to take part in our engagement survey…

Alcester South SNT Update

Welford Incidents Suspicious Circumstances. Barton Road. Persons wearing balaclavas seen on site. No further details. No offences disclosed at the time. 12 midnight 13th / 14th August. 0103 16/08/2021…

Memorial Hall AGM

The Welford and Weston on Avon Memorial Hall AGM for the year 2020 will be held on Monday 27th September at 7pm in the Memorial Hall. Visitors are welcome to attend and understand more about the running of the Hall and consider joining the Hall Committee and having a say about the future of the Hall.…
