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Author archives: Colin Winston

Alcester South SNT Update

Welford Incidents Burglary Business. Binton Road. Pane of glass removed at rear of business premises. Nothing stolen. Between 10th & 11th February. 0165 11/02/2020…

Alcester South SNT Update

Theft of Catalytic converters There have been a number of incidents around Warwickshire and bordering forces where Catalytic Converters have been stolen from vehicles. In many of the cases the offender(s) have pulled up next to the vehicle they want to steal from, removing the converter in a matter of minutes, before driving off again.…

Alcester South SNT Update

Welford Incidents Vehicle Crime. Car park, Binton Road. Trailer with Yamaha Buggy on stolen. A Honda 4×4 was seen on the car park at the time of the offence. Between 5.30pm and 6.30pm Friday 17th January. 0354 17/01/2020…
