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VE Day Celebrations during lock down

Unfortunately there will be no public celebrations of this historic occasion, however, there is a useful link to an on-line toolkit which has flags, posters and activities for children to help you mark the occasion at home – In addition there is useful guidance on VE celebrations under lock down restrictions from the Alcester…

Access to Coronavirus Testing

Last night the Government announced the further expansion of access to coronavirus testing to help protect the most vulnerable.  Anyone in England with coronavirus symptoms, who either has to leave home to go to work or is aged 65 and over, will now also be able to get tested.   Tests are available across the…

Rogue Rubbish Collectors Warning

Warwickshire Trading Standards warn of Rogue Rubbish Collectors Warwickshire Trading Standards is asking residents not to inadvertently contribute to this problem of fly tipping by employing criminals and unlicensed operators who offer to remove household rubbish for a fee before dumping it a few streets away. These individuals may be working door to door or…

Parish Council Meetings Update

For the health and well-being of our community, as a result of the Covid-19 crisis and following the instruction of the Prime Minister’s address on 23rd March 2020, all Parish Council meetings will be held remotely until further notice. Welford on Avon Parish Council will be using Zoom software to facilitate the holding of meetings.…

Proposed Pedestrian Crossing Points in Welford

The following maps were published in Welford Matters in Mike Brain’s article showing details of the proposed new pedestrian crossing points which support the Safer Routes to School Agenda. The maps have been reproduced here as they are very detailed and it was difficult to see all the detail in the printed versions. Just click…

Stay at Home Policing Guidelines

Guidance on government policy and policing guidelines and powers can be found in the latest Alcester South Safer Neighbourhood Team update on this website at…

Where to find more help during the Covid19 (Coronavirus) crisis

Our volunteers, the church and the parish council are working hard to help our community and offer support to residents in our village. A big thank you to you all! Welford Community Support Network: Thanks to our local community volunteers, most residents have now received a flyer with the contact details of volunteers happy to…
