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SDC Site Allocation Plans – Drop in Sessions

In addition to the Site Allocations Plan briefing for parish councillors on the 3rd September, there will also be the following four public drop-in sessions if residents want to ask any specific questions: No need to book for these sessions, just turn up. Date Location Time Tuesday 3 September Southam Library 10am-1pm Thursday 5 September…

School Holiday Lunch Scheme

For details of food vouchers available during the school holidays please click on the following link WLWF holiday hunger flyer 2019 (1)…

Events for the Summer Holidays

For details of local organised events for children over the summer holidays please click on the following links – Hi-5 Summer Activity Programme 2019 Hi-5 Summer Free Sport Friday 2019 Hi-5 Summer Activity Leaflet 2019…

Policing Priorities Poll Results

The top 3 priorities from the June poll which will now be given extra policing resources were for The Graftons (32 votes), Great Alne (28 votes), Alcester Conway Estate (25 votes). The priority to deter vehicle crime and burglaries in Welford received 11 votes so did not make the cut. Perhaps we can muster more…

Missing Table & Chairs from Memorial Hall

It is disappointing to have to advise that in the period from the Street Fair until last week, some one has “borrowed” one of the heavy folding tables and circa 6 chairs from the Hall and failed obtain permission or return them. To replace these will cost in excess of £400. If anyone knows the…

Welford Butchers Opens – 11th July

The newly refurbished “Welford Butchers & Deli” is planning to open for business on Thursday 11th July subject to completion of all renovations. As the name implies there will be a Delicatessen on offer and you will also be able to pick up a coffee with your shopping. The shop will be managed by Will…

Important Local Planning Updates

The Parish Council have prepared two important planning updates. With support from objections by local residents the Gladman application for 35 houses on Milcote Road has been rejected. However, a new application for 10 houses at the Weston House site on the corner of Milcote Road now needs your support to ensure this application is…

Local Policing Updates

Latest Community Policing Priorities Poll The latest Poll is still live and ends on 30th June. One of the suggested priorities is extra patrols in Welford to deter vehicle crime and burglaries. In light of the recent spate of such incidents in the village you may wish to cast your vote for this option at…

Open Gardens Volunteers Wanted

Volunteers needed to help sell tickets on the afternoons of Saturday and Sunday 29th and 30th June, for the Welford Open Gardens weekend. This weekend via the National Gardens Scheme, 9 gardens in the village are opening from 1:00 until 5:00 pm to help raise funds for national cancer charities. We really need some help…
