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2018/2019 Parish Accounts available for public scrutiny

The Annual Governance & Accountability Return for Welford Parish Council for 2018/19 (including Notice of Public Rights information) is now completed and will be submitted for External Audit. It is available for public access on this website at…

Roadworks : Milcote Road 20th May – 2nd Aug

Milcote Road will be closed (again) between 9.30am and 3.30pm from 20th May to 2nd August between the junction with Long Marston Road and Mere Barn Farm this time to provide footpath access to the new Weston House development and resurface the road. The diversion is via Long Marston Road, Station Road, Weston Sands, Milcote…

Shakespeare Marathon : 28th Apr

The following roads will be affected with restricted access and hold ups during the morning while the marathon runners proceed through the village – B439 Evesham Road – lane closure between Luddington turn and Binton Road Binton Road/High Street/Millers Close/Chapel Street/Long Marston Road through the village to Long Marston Lane from bottom of Rumor Hill…

Say No to Gladman Development Proposal : Deadline 29th January

The following link is to a letter from the Parish Council requesting residents support in objecting to the proposed development of 35 houses on Milcote Road. It lists the ways that objections can be submitted and a number of planning reasons for objecting to the development – Parish Council note on Gladman 35 v8 8th Jan…

EU Citizen’s Rights Session

This free event is open to all EU nationals, their families, and their employers, and aims to provide information about EU citizens’ rights in the UK during Brexit, and to answer participants’ questions. The information will be delivered by a lawyer, made available by the European Commission Representation in the UK, through the Law Centres…

Milcote Road Closure 19 Nov – 9 Dec

Closed for new sewage connection. Access for emergency services only. Official diversion is through Long Marston, left into Station Road, left again onto Campden Road to get back to Clifford Chambers. See – Information\Roadworks on this website for up to date details.…
