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Local Roadworks : Long Marston Road Closure

The road through Long Marston will be closed from 8th January to 12th January for connection of services to more new properties. The official diversion to get to the other side of Long Marston is via the Milcote Road to the B4632 Campden Road and then Station Road.…

Local Roadworks – Binton Road & Milcote Road

3rd – 6th November Binton Road near Milfield – 2 way traffic signals 2nd – 3rd November Milcote Road between junction with Long Marston and junction with Weston Road,cabling work – multi way traffic signals.…

Stratford Big 10K Run – Road Closures

Sunday 10th September the following roads will be affected by closures from 9.00am – 11.00am :- Milcote Road from the Greenway to Clifford Chambers B4632 from Clifford Chambers to Waitrose roundabout Shipston Road to Tramway…

Welford Open Gardens 2018

It hardly seems like a few weeks since we had the Open Gardens weekend in the village on the last weekend of June and following the success with only 5 gardens it is time to register for next year’s event. It would be really fabulous if we could get a few more gardens to open…
