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Welford Wives

Who are Welford Wives ?

A village-based group set up over 50 years ago by local residents, some of whom are still members.  Apparently it was called Young Wives in those days and we still like to think of ourselves as having a young outlook.

We have no affiliations to national organisations so we can choose exactly what we want to do and this also means our annual membership fee is kept to a minimum

We meet up on the first Wednesday of every month in the evening for a pre-arranged talk, visit or activity followed by coffee/tea.

We have speakers on a wide range of topics chosen by members and have arranged guided tours around local villages which result in refreshments at the local public house.

We treat ourselves to a meal in a local restaurant at Christmas, plus a barbecue in the summer where we invite husbands to do the cooking and also have an annual skittles competition at the Bowls Club.

Although not a specifically fund-raising organisation we like to make a donation to local or national charities most years, and past donations have included the Shakespeare Hospice, the Air Ambulance, and Save the Children.

We currently have about 30 members on our list but would love to welcome some new members and are very open to new ideas for events and activities.

So if you are thinking you would like to join us or have any questions, please do get in touch –

Anne Doswell (Co-Chair): 750079
Chrissy Green (Co-Chair): 07792571152
Christine Cooper (Treasurer): 750667
