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Women of Welford

Women of Welford is a village based group for all local women. The group was set
up over sixty years ago and was originally called Young Wives and more recently
Welford Wives. In May 2024 as part of our sixtieth year celebrations and following a
poll of the members the name was changed to Women of Welford. We feel this name
better reflects the significant change in the role and status of women in society since
the group was first formed. Our emphasis is on socialising, information and most
importantly fun.

Women of Welford has no affiliation to any national organisation so we can choose
what we want to do and this helps keep our annual subscription to a minimum. We
have an organising committee and are open to suggestions from within the
membership. The annual subscription is used to pay for speakers and also a buffet
at our AGM and Christmas Party.

Women of Welford meet, normally at 7.45 p.m. in the Memorial Hall, on the first
Wednesday of the month. We have a variety of speakers and activities. We also
have an annual skittles night, barbeque and a New Year lunch at The Bell. Please do
check with one of the committee below if you are thinking of coming along.

We are not specifically a fund raising organisation but most years we like to make a
donation to local and national charities. Recent donations have been to the
Shakespeare Hospice, Hearing Dogs for the Deaf and a local project of The
Salvation Army.

We currently have over fifty members but anyone who is interested in joining would
be welcome. If you have any questions or are interested in joining, please call one of
the committee members below:

Anne Doswell (Co-Chair) – 07908111634
Chrissy Green (Co-Chair) – 07792571151
Christine Cooper (Treasurer) – 01789750667


Housing Needs Survey 2025 now open. Submission deadline 28 February 2025.