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Art Group

Welford Art Group have been painting together in Welford Church Rooms every Tuesday for the past 20 years. They hold bi-annual exhibitions or their works and give a percentage of the sales value to a local charity. To date nearly £10,000 has been given. Led by an established artist who encourages and enables the mixed ability students, a high standard of work results. Places are governed by available space and therefore it is best to have your name listed if interested.

A big thank you to Robbie Robinson! For 22 years he has given his time, advice and skills to all members. Sadly Robbie has now left Welford and decided to retire from the Art Group and will be missed . However, the group will still continue by helping each other.

Contact  Jill Rose – 750940


Housing Needs Survey 2025 now open. Submission deadline 28 February 2025.