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Binton Bridge Works Update

Start Date

September 1st is now highly unlikely. Environment Agency permission has not been received yet. If it does not arrive by next Wednesday 16th August they cannot mobilise in time. The most likely start date is now Friday 15th September.


Traffic Routing

The principal re-routing is through Barton and across Bidford Bridge. At this juncture Balfour Beatty (BB) and WCC do not see a need for any change to the traffic light sequencing at Bidford. This will be kept under review and can be remotely updated to ensure flow is maximised, particularly, at the morning and evening peaks.


BB are going to put signage coming out of Stratford at the Bordon Place / Seven Meadows Road island (repeated at the Rosebird islands onto the Campden Road and at the Clifford Chambers spur to advise of an alternative route to Welford via Clifford Chambers and on through Weston on Avon.


Performance of the routing strategy will be kept under review.


Bus Services

Daren Pemberton (County Councillor) will liaise with WCC officers to ensure the bus operators are aware of the new dates and that services are maintained during closure periods with adequate notice of any changes / cancellations.


Duration of Works

BB has advised today that there will need to be a further detailed inspection of the bridge once it is stripped back to ascertain if further works are required. This is standard procedure because, of course, not everything can be determined by pre-commencement inspection. If this has the impact of extending the project Daren will advise everyone.

Kehlstein Open Space consultation results

On Thursday 08 June 2023, the Parish Council wrote to villagers asking for their input on plans for the Public Open Space at the forthcoming development at Kehlstein on the Barton Road.

Our District Councillor, Manuella Perteguella reached out on our behalf on social media and by email.
Feedback was sought via email and public meeting, which was held on Monday 12 June 2023 at the Memorial Hall.
The meeting and plans were advertised on this website by the Parish Council.
The meeting was also advertised over the previous weekend by a public sign placed outside the Memorial Hall opposite the village shop.


Overall, the space should be designed in a naturalistic manner with biodiversity enhancement as a core principle. Design choices should align with the rural agricultural heritage of the village. All spaces should be accessible to all.


The principle of dividing the space into three areas was accepted by the majority. Comments are organised into those areas and align with the Public Open Space designation on the S106 Areas Layout Drawing.

Community space

  • Should be planted as a community orchard.
  • Meadow under-planting and mown paths.
  • Seats or benches.
  • There need be no structural boundary around this area. Instead, the community orchard should be distinguished from the general amenity space by a change in character and of management.
  • Eastern boundary should be managed minimally to encourage wildlife back to the margins and surrounding gardens once development is complete.

General amenity space

  • Should be left as open space.
  • Grass area, mown for easy access and space.
  • Seats or benches.
  • Picnic table.
  • Bicycle hoops.
  • Waste bin.
  • Transition to the Community Orchard space should be soft. Boundary features are not required. The boundary should be delineated by a change in management.

Play space

  • This should be aimed at younger children. There is insufficient space for additional facilities for older children.
  • Play features should be naturalistic. Tunnels, mounds and natural climbing opportunities should form the main features. Indicative pictures are attached in the email feedback document.
  • Boundaries should be of natural materials and sympathetic planting.
  • Consider gated access to both the road-side pavement and the general amenity space.
  • All equipment and facilities to be of high quality and built to last. No plastic please.


Disabled members of our community may wish to visit this facility by car. A disabled parking space reserved for this purpose is requested.


With regard the marginal areas to the north and east that lie on the development’s boundary. As this area lies between the Public Open Space and neighbours’ gardens, consider this area for adoption by the Parish Council also. This is for reasons of practical land management.


Public meeting – Kelhstien June 23
Public email responses – Kelhstien June 23
