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Kehlstein Open Space consultation

Meeting to be held at 10am on Monday, 12 June 2023 at the Memorial Hall. Village consultation on plans for Public Open Space at Kehlstein.

A window of opportunity for Welford on Avon residents to influence plans for a public play area and open space at the forthcoming Kehlstein development has arisen. The Parish Council will be future managers of the site and are therefore primary stakeholders. We have asked to consult on the plans that are currently being developed.

Public Open Space proposals are available to view under Condition 19 of the planning application 22/00005/FUL. Selected landscape and play area proposals are available via the links below:

There is to be a play area, general amenity space and an area reserved for community use.
Documents were downloaded from Stratford upon Avon District Council’s planning portal on 08 Jun 2023.

The Parish Council is very keen to hear ideas for this space from the local village community. All parishioners are welcome.

If you have some ideas, but are unable to attend the meeting, please let us know. The Parish Council can be contacted by email via the


Kehlstein is a single dwelling on the Barton Road, next to Barton Fields. It has a large garden that extends south to Samantha Close behind properties along the Long Marston Road. The development of an additional 23 dwellings at Kehlstein was approved by Stratford District Council on 30 March 2023 under planning reference 22/00005/FUL. Under the s106 agreement, the developer was required to offer the Public Open Spaces on the development for adoption by the Parish Council in the first instance. In a meeting on 02 May 2023, the Parish Council formally accepted that offer.

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