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Avon & Arrow Greenway Project

Extract from a letter to our Parish Clerk (AdeleStreet) – 

I am writing to you from the Avon to Arrow Greenway Project (AAGP) which aims to open up path and cycleways between Evesham and Alcester largely along the route of old railway lines. We have recently been approached to extend the ambition of an already ambitious project by looking at the possibility of a route from Broom to Stratford and your parish lies on, or very close to, the proposed path of this link. I have attached a number of documents to give you information about us and our project. All the parishes along the original route are fully supportive of the project and we hope very much, once you have had time to consider the idea, you will be too. Officers of the AAGP are available to meet with you either in person or by a Zoom link to answer questions and offer further information at any time suitable to you and your council.

I have highlighted below our key aims and also  an extract from our latest newsletter (attached) which offers a summary of the background to the Broom/Stratford link concept. The newsletter also will give you an idea of how far we have progressed and the manner in which we are engaging with both district and county councils in order to become a key part of their agendas for health, well-being and environmental benefit.


  • To promote safe and responsible leisure routes (e.g. cycling, walking) within and across Parish boundaries thereby improving the health and well-being of the local population
  • To provide a forum for neighbouring communities establish links with safe cycle and pathway routes
  • To champion and seek funding for the development of an improved infrastructure for cyclists and walkers in the area
  • To provide a source of information and advice to local and visiting cyclists and walkers
  • To promote tourism and encourage visiting cyclists and walkers to use local businesses
  • To reduce dependency on the motor car, reduce pollution and so improve our environment

Extract from the AAGP August 2020 Newsletter

Background considerations

Initial investigation of land ownership and other enquiries have shown that there seems to be a reasonable prospect of a continuous route to Stratford upon Avon being possible using elements of the old railway line. This could link up with an existing shared pedestrian cycle way within Stratford Town along the old railway line, past Stratford Racecourse and link up with the Stratford Greenway.

Parishes and Communities on the route

The route passes through, or close to,  the parishes of Bidford, Binton, Temple Grafton, Welford, Luddington and Stratford upon Avon TC. We will be writing to all of them to seek their engagement. The route is wholly contained within Stratford upon Avon District Council and Warwickshire County Council areas.

Reasons for inclusion of the route

  • The link would be an important part of the off road network being developed in the area and would link up with both the AAGP spine route and the existing Stratford Greenway.
  • The link would allow longer journeys to be made to between the three historic towns Alcester, Evesham and Stratford and would have serious tourist potential.
  • The inclusion of the Stratford upon Avon link should increase the attraction of the AAGP to SDC and WCC.
  • This extension of the project will significantly increase the chances of future funding for the project.

I would be most grateful if you could put this proposal as an agenda item for your next PC meeting and please do let me know  if you would like us to attend and speak to your parish councillors.

Joe Harvey ( Chair AAGP ) – 07778650275,

Avon and Arrow Greenway Project,

Registered Charity Number 1188324


The Parish Council have met with AAGP and are fully supportive of the project. Attached are outlines of the proposed routes,  the project constitution and the latest newsletter.

AAGP Area Wide Cycle Routes

AAGP Broom to Stratford Route Map

AAGP Newsletter November 2020

Avon and Arrow Greenway Project Constitution 10-08-2020

Compensation Scheme – B4632 Closure

The B4632 closure has given us significant problems especially with HGVs causing serious damage to verges on single track country lanes and contravening weight restrictions on both river bridges. We have worked closely with the Candent Gas contractors to try and lessen the impact, but these are essential works that required a full road closure. By working together with businesses, farmers and contractors we initially knocked 1 week off the 5 week timeframe and were hopeful that we could reduce it even further, which we achieved this week with the works being completed 17 days ahead of schedule.
Sadly Businesses, Residents , Villages and Country Lanes have been seriously damaged or inconvenienced , especially business who have lost customers and much needed revenue.
A scheme for compensation is in place and charity fund is available for small scale projects in local villages.
For more details please contact our County Councillor Mike Brain – or our Parish Clerk Adele Street – / 07715 211340

Roadworks Update – Clifford Road now open

The road closure on the Clifford Road near Waitrose ended yesterday so hopefully the volume of traffic through the village will now reduce significantly.

The road through Binton village is now closed, work planned to end 25th November.

There are multiple road closures and roadworks in and around the village in the pipeline

  • Traffic Lights on the Long Marston Road on 9th November
  • Barton Road closed from High St to Headland Rd in January
  • Milcote Road closed in January
  • Evesham Road from Dodwell to Stratford and the area around the Waitrose roundabout and the Seven Meadows Rd roundabout subject to roadworks and closures in the new year

For full updates and latest details please see



Celebrating Bonfire Night & Remembrance Sunday under Lockdown ​

Residents are being urged to act responsibly over the next week when celebrating Bonfire Night and marking Remembrance Sunday.

Remembrance Sunday

Those Remembrance ceremonies going ahead will be limited to those participating and so people are instead being asked to follow these online where possible and encouraged to take part in a national moment of silence at 11am as the annual Cenotaph ceremony takes place.

Residents can also still support the Poppy Appeal by buying their poppy online at:

Cllr Izzi Seccombe, Leader of Warwickshire County Council, said: “Remembrance Day and Remembrance Sunday are dedicated to remembering the sacrifices made by our armed forces over the last 150 years. This is something that we do with pride each year.

“In 2020, we WILL still honour and remember the bravery and sacrifice of our armed forces, but we MUST do so differently. We now must make sacrifices to control the virus.”

Bonfire Night

Organised firework displays are not taking place this year and the risk of accidents from fires and fireworks is much higher than usual. Residents are therefore being urged to find online alternatives to the celebrations instead. Where they do plan to have their own celebrations, they are advised to observe the firework code:

  • only buy fireworks which comply with the British Standard
  • only adults should set fireworks off – only people aged 18 and over can legally buy fireworks
  • follow the instructions on each firework
  • always supervise children around fireworks and sparklers
  • never go back to a lit firework
  • don’t let off fireworks after 11pm (midnight on Bonfire Night)

Many fireworks on sale to the public are too powerful for the average sized garden and should only be used in large gardens or in fields. Trading Standards suggest that before you buy, take advice from the firework retailer about safe distances, instructions on how to use and the ideal firework size for your garden. Category F1 and F2 fireworks are ideal for garden displays, noise levels are lower for these products and they can be used in smaller gardens.

Warwickshire County Councillor Andy Crump, Portfolio Holder for Fire and Community Safety, said:

“We don’t want people to miss out on bonfire night, but we also want to remind residents to be responsible and stay safe while celebrating. To stay safe, only buy fireworks which comply with the British Standard, keep them in a closed box and follow all instructions closely. Please don’t use fireworks that are too powerful for your garden, supervise pets and children and, if you are having a bonfire, build it clear of buildings, sheds, fences and trees.

‘Make sure you do follow our safety advice and have bonfire night go off with a bang… for all the right reasons.”

More guidance around fire safety and the firework code can be found on our website at
