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Housing Needs Survey Report

For full details of the recent Housing Needs Survey Report please click on the following link Welford-on-Avon Housing Needs Survey Report Adopted July 2019

The conclusion from the report is reproduced below –

This survey identifies a need for 12 homes for households with a defined local connection, as shown below.

  • Housing association rent
    • 1 x 1 bed maisonette
    • 6 x 1 bed bungalow
  • Owner-occupier (local market)
    • 5 x 2 bed bungalow

Consideration should also be given to the requirements of the 26 local households currently registered on Home Choice Plus, each with a need to rent.
The parish council may wish to conduct a site canvassing exercise to identify land suitable to accommodate the identified local need. If a suitable site(s) is located the relevant landowner(s) should be approached to seek “in principle” support for a local needs scheme through the sale of land.
Local needs schemes must be located either within or adjacent to the existing settlement and can only respond to an identified local need. Properties for rent or shared ownership must be provided by a housing association and all properties would be restricted to people with a local connection in perpetuity through a S106 Agreement. Consultation with the community is a key element of local needs schemes and local support is essential.
