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Welford Butchers Opens – 11th July

The newly refurbished “Welford Butchers & Deli” is planning to open for business on Thursday 11th July subject to completion of all renovations.

As the name implies there will be a Delicatessen on offer and you will also be able to pick up a coffee with your shopping. The shop will be managed by Will Binley who many will remember from his time at the Butchers with Colin Smith and subsequently as manager of The Shakespeare Inn.

Welcome back to both Will and the Butchers.

Contact number 01789 751566

Important Local Planning Updates

The Parish Council have prepared two important planning updates. With support from objections by local residents the Gladman application for 35 houses on Milcote Road has been rejected. However, a new application for 10 houses at the Weston House site on the corner of Milcote Road now needs your support to ensure this application is not approved.

Objections to the Weston House development can be submitted online at The application number to search on is 19/01363/FUL.  Alternatively objections can be posted to –  Stratford District Council Planning Dept, Elizabeth House, Church Street, CV37 6HX

Full details from the Parish Council can be found in the following documents –

Weston House application, response from the Parish Council –  1901363FUL Weston House 0619

Gladman application update – 18_03705_OUT Gladman Notice of Decision June 19

Local Policing Updates

Latest Community Policing Priorities Poll

The latest Poll is still live and ends on 30th June. One of the suggested priorities is extra patrols in Welford to deter vehicle crime and burglaries. In light of the recent spate of such incidents in the village you may wish to cast your vote for this option at the following link –

Mobile Police Surgeries

On Wednesday 26th June, The Team will be holding four police surgeries on the area in order to discuss crime prevention and any other concerns you may have. The main topic will be the recent incidents of thefts from sheds and vehicles. There are a limited number of shed / vehicle alarms available for free. Please come along for a chat –

Welford  –                   The Green.  3pm till 3.45pm

Open Gardens Volunteers Wanted

Volunteers needed to help sell tickets on the afternoons of Saturday and Sunday 29th and 30th June, for the Welford Open Gardens weekend.

This weekend via the National Gardens Scheme, 9 gardens in the village are opening from 1:00 until 5:00 pm to help raise funds for national cancer charities.
We really need some help to sell tickets from the bus shelter outside the Memorial Hall on the Saturday and Sunday afternoon.
If you could spare an hour or two on either or both days, please drop us a line at or give us a call on 751400.

Thanks and regards
Peter and Sue Hook
Open Garen Co-ordinators

2018/2019 Parish Accounts available for public scrutiny

The Annual Governance & Accountability Return for Welford Parish Council for 2018/19 (including Notice of Public Rights information) is now completed and will be submitted for External Audit. It is available for public access on this website at
