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Playing field – July update 3

Further to the meeting last Thursday, 18 July 2024 between Welford on Avon Parish Council, the school and Warwickshire County Council there have been a number of developments with regards access to the playing field.

A joint statement was issued by all three parties. Field access has been managed by the Parish Council since Monday, 22 July 2024. However, through all of this, a summer licence has remained in draft form.

In parallel with this, the PC have now received legal advice to include Counsel’s opinion, that signing the licence is not in our, or our community’s long term interest. The PC have been advised not to adopt the temporary summer licence. How this plays out in the coming days will depend on the conversation between all parties.

Continue to enjoy the field as you have been. It has been lovely to see children and families making the best of the start to the summer.

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